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五、用铅笔这样划答案:[A][B] [C][D],用其他符号答题者不记分。  
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Part I  Reading Comprehension (30%)  
Directions:There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.  
Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
Languages are remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. (76)(They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture. )To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture. In the words of a poet and philosopher, “As many languages as one speaks, so many lives one lives.”A culture and its language are as necessary as brain and body; while one is a part of the other, neither can function without the other. In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-language elements of the language: its gestures, its body language, etc. Eye contact is extremely important in English. Direct eye contact leads to understanding, or, as the English saying goes, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a native speaker of English until we have learned to look directly into his eyes.
1. The best title for this passage is__________
A. Organs of Culture         B. Brain and Body
C. Looking into his eyes      D. Language and Culture
2. According to this passage, the best way to learn a foreign language is__________
A. to read the works of poets and philcsophers
B. to find a native speaker and look directly into his eyes
C. to begin by learning its body language
D. to visit a country where you can study
3. According to this passage, gestures are__________
A. spoken words             B. a non-language element
C. pictures in a language      D. written language
4. "As many languages as one speaks, so many lives..." means__________
A. if one learns many foreign languages, one will have a better
understanding of his own language
B. life is richer and more interesting if one knows several languages
C. no matter how many languages one knows, one can never
know more than one's own culture
D. if a person speaks only one language, he will live a very happy life
5. Which of the following doesn't share the same meaning with the others?
A. signs                   B. gestures
C. efficient                D. body language

Passage 2
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent droughts (干旱) and floods.

Unfortunately, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. Two thousand years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire(帝国). It gained the empire, but, without its trees, its soil became hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by flood and starvation.

(77)(Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade villagers to see this. )The villagers want wood to cook their food with; and they can earn money by selling wood. They are usually too lazy to plant and look after the trees. (78)(So, unless the govemment has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.)

This does not only mean that the villagers' children and grandchildren will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious, for where there are trees their roots break the soil up  allowing the rain to sink in - and also bind the soil, thus preventing its being washed away easily but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away from the surface, causing flood.
6. What is the most important function of trees?
A. Providing fuel.               B. Offering shade.
C. Preventing natural disaster.     D. Providing wood.
7. What eventually happened to the empire in the paragraph?
A. Its people died of hunger.
B. It fell to pieces.
C. It became a giant empire.
D. It built many ships with wood.
8. It is implied in the passage that the villagers__________
A. want a plentiful supply of trees.
B. want firewood badly.
C. just want to get money.
D. don't realize the importance of trees.
9. The role of trees is to__________
A. loosen soil                 B. keep soil in position
C. harden soil                D. both A and B
10. What is the passage mainly concerned with?
A. The benefits of trees.
B. Trees and soil protection
C. The various uses of trees.
D. Different attitudes toward trees.

Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor. He gave us an example of the process by which pins were made in England.
"One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, and a fifth gives it a head. Just to make the head requires two or three different operations. The work of making pins is divided into about eighteen different operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them.

Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4800 pins a worker. (79)( But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.)

There can be no doubt that division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make more pins. Adam Smith saw this, (80) (but he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still. )But division of labor adds nothing new, it only enables people to produce more of what they already have. 北京太嘉外语培训中心
11. According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to__________
A. take advantage of the physical labor
B. introduce the division of labor into England
C. understand the effects of the division of labor
D. explain the bad causes of the division of labor
12. Adam Smith saw that the division of labor__________
A. enabled each worker to design pins more quickly
B. increased the possible output per worker
C. increased the number of people employed in factories
D. improved the quality of pins produced
13. Adam Smith mentioned the number 4800 in order to__________
A. show the advantages of the old labor system
B. stress how powerful the individual worker was
C. show the advantages of the division of labor
D. stress the importance of increased production
14. According to the writer, Adam Smith's mistake was in believing
that the division of labor__________
A. was an efficient way of organizing work
B. was an important development in methods of production
C. finally led to economic development
D. increased the production of existing goods
15. According to the writer, which one of the following is NOT tree?
A. Division of labor can enable fewer people to make more pins.
B. Division of labor helps people to produce more of what they already have.
C. Division of labor is by no means responsible for economic growth.
D. Division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work.

Part II  Vocabulary and Structure(30%)
Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
16. He spent__________collecting materials for his article.
A. a half year              B. half year
C. half a year             D. half of a year
17. To succeed in a scientific experiment,__________
A. one needs being patient person
B. patience is to need
C. one needs to be patient
D. patience is what needed
18. English is used by more people than is__________language except Chinese.
A. any                  B. any Other
C. other                  D. all other
19. The dish__________terrible! I don't like it at all.
A. tastes                 B. tasted
C. will taste              D. is tasted
20. She____be ill because I saw her playing tennis just now.
A. can't                  B. couldn't
C. mustn't                D. may not
21. Sorry, officer. I__________at 80 miles but I didn't see any sign in the
area telling people how fast they can drive.
A. should not drive         B. shouldn't have driven
C. mustn't drive           D. can't drive
22. Why not__________Professor Li for help? He is kind-hearted and willing to help.
A. ask                   B. you ask
C. to ask                  D your asking
23. It is not easy__________the answer to the difficult math problem.
A. to figure out            B. figuring out
C. figure out               D. being figured out
24. The tsunami (海啸)__________over 160, 000 people were killed was
a terrible disaster for human beings.
A. of that                 B. among which
C. during that             D. in which
25. Take the medicine now. I believe it will__________your pain.
A. release                 B. relive
C. reject                  D. relieve
26. How can you____her offer? I'm afraid she will feel hurt.
A. turn out                B. turn up
C. turn down               D. turn away
27. She apologized for__________to attend the meeting.
A. her being not able        B. her to be not able
C. her not to be able        D. her not being able to
28. This new coat cost me__________the last one I bought two years ago.
A. three times             B. three times as much as
C. three times as much      D. three times much as
29. Each term our professors would__________a list of books for us to read.
A. hand in                B. give away
C. pass out                D. write out
30. I__________my wallet when I was shopping in the store.
A. must have dropped       B. should have dropped
C. could drop              D. ought to have dropped
31. I believe you have__________your purse in the living-room.
A. left alone               B. left behind
C. left off                D. left out太嘉外语培训中心
32. The results of the survey are interesting and they__________more
questions than they can answer.
A. bring about            B. prohibit
C. project                 D. benefit from
33. He abandoned a career that __________ to his becoming one of the
most influential people in the world.
A. could have led           B. would lead
C. should have led          D. must lead
34. The doctor's advice was that the patient __________ at once.
A. to be operated           B. being operated
C. be operated             D. operated
35. __________by the look on her face, she didn't catch what I meant.
A. Judging                B. Judged
C. Judge                  D. To judge
36. By no means __________ our mistakes.
A. we ought ignore         B. we ought to ignore
C. ought we ignore         D. ought we to ignore
37. The teacher has his students __________ a composition every other week.
A. to write                 B. written
C. writing                  D. write
38. Give the books to __________ needs them for the English class and the writing class.
A. whomever              B. whom
C. who                   D. whoever
39. A solid is different from a liquid __________the solid has its definite shape.
A. in that                B. in which
C. in what               D. because of which
40. It is because he is kind and modest__________he wins the respect of others.
A. what                  B. which
C. why                  D. that
41. Your mother told me that you overslept this morning, __________, ?
A. didn't she             B. didn't you
C. did she                D. did you
42. __________, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours.
A. Strong as he is          B. The stronger he is
C. Strong man that he is     D. For he is strong
43. They have agreed that they will __________to the policy and will not change it.
A. commit               B. stick
C. combine               D. fall
44. The company has to __________the benefits against the costs in the
last three months.
A. boast                 B. blame
C. block                 D. balance
45. We've __________paper and ink. Ask Mrs. Edward to lend us some.
A. run away with           B. run out of
C. run off                 D. run down 

Part Ⅲ  ldentification (10%)
Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C, and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
46. How [could] you make [such] a little child [to help] you [carry] the big box?
A            B               C         D
47. [As soon] as [we've finished] supper, [we'll all]go [to] downtown to see the Sound of Munic.
A           B                 C      D
48. I really [appreciate] [you recommended] me to [tha] company [in time.]
A          B               C             D
49. He [will not do] it [had he known] how [serious] the outcome [would be]. 太嘉外语培训中心
A            B            C                  D
50. Her name [sounds] familiar [with] me but I [can't] tell [who] she is at the moment.
A           B            C       D
51. Rice [has been] a [basically] food for [millions of] people for [hundreds] of years.
A       B                C                  D
52. [The director] and [manager] of the department [are] very strict [with] the employees.
A            B                    C          D
53.[Research shows] that employees [whose] obtain [satisfaction] from their jobs are more
A                      B             C
54. [Looking] from another [angle,] the painting [would] show [something] different.
A                 B                C            D
55. "[Never]  I [have heard] such [a thing] in my life!" [said] the old man.
A         B            C               D

Part IV Ctoze (10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on tire: Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words, which makes up the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words  56  which we become familiar in daily conversation, which we  57  , that is to say, from the 58  of our own family and from our friends, and  59  we should know and use  60  we could not read or write. They  61  the common things of life with all the people who  62  the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the people  63  and are not excluded  64  a limited class.
     On the other hand, our language  65  a large number of words which are comparatively  66  used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little  67 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our  68  acquaintance (熟悉) with them comes not from our mother's  69  or from the talk of our schoolmates,  70  from books that we read, lectures that we 71  , or the more  72  conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular  73  in a style properly higher above the habitual  74  of everyday life. Such words are called "learned", and the  75  between them and the "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of language study process.
56. A. at       B. with       C. by          D. through
57. A. study    B. imitate    C. stimulate   D. learn
58, A. mates    B. relatives  C. members     D. fellows
59. A. which    B. that       C. those       D. ones
60. A. even     B. despite    C. even if     D. in spite of
61. A. mind     B. concern    C. care        D. relate
62. A. hire     B. apply      C. adopt       D. use
63. A. in public   B. at most C. at large    D. at best
64. A. in       B. from       C. with        D. on
65. A. consists   B. consists of   C. makes  D. composes
66. A. seldom   B. much       C. greatly     D. often
67. A. possibility   B. way   C. reason      D. necessity
68. A. primary  B. first      C. principal   D. prior
69. A. tips     B. mouth      C. ears        D. tongue
70. A. besides  B. and        C. yet         D. but
71. A. hear of  B. attend     C. hear from   D. listen
72. A. former   B. formula    C. formal      D. forward
73. A. theme    B. topic      C. idea        D. point
74. A. border   B. link       C. degree      D. extent
75. A. relation B. distinction   C. connection  D. similarity

Part V Translation (20%)
Section A
Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passage you have just read in the part of Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meanings in the context.

76. They contain the quickest and the most efficient means of communicating within their respective culture.

77. Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade the villagers to see  this.

78. So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.

79. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.

80. But he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still.

Section B
Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.






Passage 1

Question 1:下列选项哪个是这篇文章的最好题目:D语言与文化。

Question 2:根据文章的意思,学习一门外语的最好方式是:C从学习该语言的肢体语言开始。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,在这句话,“In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-language elements of the language: its gestures, its body language,” 我们就可以确定答案。

Question 3:根据文章的意思,手势语属于:B一种非语言因素。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,在这句话,“In learning a foreign language, the best beginning would be starting with the non-language elements of the language: its gestures, its body language,” 我们就可以看出语言的非语言因素包括手势语、肢体语言等。因此可以确定答案为B。

Question 4:一个人说的语言越多,他的生活越丰富,其含义是:B如果一个人知道多种语言,他的生活将会更丰富有趣。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,考生要想深刻的理解这句话的意思,需要结合上下文,尤其是这句话前面的句子,“To learn a foreign language is to learn another culture.”;另外考生应该熟练运用“as …as”结构去理解文章中作者引用这句话的意思。所以我们要 “read between lines” (读懂文字的隐含意思)。

Question 5:下列哪个选项的意思与其它三个选项不同:C高效率的。
【题解】该题为词汇考查题,首先从词性上判断,只有C是形容词,其它均为名词;另外,其他三个选项均为语言的不同形式,signs为符号语言,gestures为手势语,body language为肢体语言,属同一类名词。

Passage 2

Question 6:下列选项中哪个是树木最重要的功能:C防止自然灾害。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,从第二段第一句,“Unfortunately, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important.”我们可以发现防止灾害方面的功能是最重要的,所以选C。

Question 7:文章中提到的那个帝国最终遭遇到了什么:B土崩瓦解。
【题解】该题为细节考查题, 答对这个问题的关键在于正确理解“eventually”在文中的意思,最终遭遇到了什么?“When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by flood and starvation.”(当这个帝国土崩瓦解时,他们发现自己的国家面临着水灾和饥饿)根据文章这句话的意思,可以排除A(民众死于饥饿),我们再根据选项的顺序可以确定正确答案为B。

Question 8:文章中暗示到那些村民们:D没有意识到树木的重要性。
【题解】该题为细节考查加推断题,“Even though a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade villagers to see this.”(尽管政府意识到了树木的重要性,但它很难说服民众意识到这一点)所以,我们可以概括出当时村民们还没有意识到树木的重要性,正确选项为D。

Question 9:树木的作用是:D疏松土壤和保持水土。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,“for where there are trees their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in - and also bind the soil, thus preventing its being washed away”从这句话里我们可以树木对土壤的作用,因此选D。

Question 9:这篇文章主要谈论的内容是:A树木对人类的好处。
【题解】该题为推断题, 本文主要介绍了树木对人类的益处,尤其强调了第三点,即防止自然灾害。只有选项A中的benefits (益处) 这一词最能体现文章的主旨,B只是文章中的一部分,C指树木的用途,文章不包含D的内容。

Passage 3

Question 11:根据文章的意思,亚当斯密是第一位:C理解分工劳动效果的人。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,由文章第一句话“Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor.”可以看出亚当斯密是第一个理解分工劳动重要性的人,所以正确答案应为C。

Question 12:亚当斯密意识到:B 分工劳动能增加每个工人的可能生产量。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,由第四段第一句话“There can be no doubt that division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make more pins.”可知,分工劳动能够提高劳动效率,增加每个工人的产量。故答案应选B。

Question 13:亚当斯密提到4800这个数字的目的是:C表明分工劳动的优势。

Question 14:根据作者的意思,亚当斯密对于分工劳动的错误在于他相信:C分
【题解】该题为细节和推断考查题,由最后一段可以看出,作者认为分工劳动只是改变了劳动组织方式,提高了生产效率,并没有增加新的物质资料,因此并不能导致经济发展。“but he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still.”而亚当斯密想当然的认为分工劳动是造成经济发展的原因,并且使不同国家的经济情况产生差别。所以正确答案是C。

Question 15:根据作者的意思,下列哪个选项是不正确的:C 分工劳动决不促进经济增长。
【题解】该题为细节考查题,A,B,D都是作者在文章中所表达的观点,而C 项中的“by no means ”是“决不”的意思,表达过于绝对,所以为错误观点,故正确答案是C。

16. 【答案】C
【题解】该题考查的是“半年”的表达结构,“半年”的表达一般是half a year。这是一个固定的表达,因此答案只能是C。这个句子中half a year是spent的宾语,后面的collecting materials for his article部分作的是宾语的补足语成分。

17. 【答案】C
【题解】该题考查的是独立主格和其逻辑主语的关系,同时考察need作为实义动词的用法。在这个句子中,独立成分是to succeed in a scientific experiment,意思是“为了在科学实验中取得成功”,从这个句子的意思看,其逻辑主语理所当然应该是人,因为只有人才能做实验,这样我们就可以排除答案B和D。Need作为情态动词时,后面直接加动词的原形,如果是实义动词,后面应该加不定式to,因此我们的答案应该是C。这个句子的意思是:为了在科学实验中取得成功,人们必须有耐心。

18. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是any other结构,这个结构的后面一般加的是名词的单数形式,表示“其它任何…”的意思。这个句子的意思是:除了汉语,英语是世界上比其它任何语言都应用广泛的语言。这个句子中的“其它任何语言”就是用any other language来表示的,该题的答案应该为B。

19. 【答案】A

20. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是表示否定推测的结构,能作推测性用法的情态助动词有九个,即表示“可能”的might/may/could/can;表示“推测”的will/would以及表示“必然”的should/ought to/must。这九个情态助动词按照其表示的不同程度的可能性可以分为三档:第一档是表示“可能”的might/may/could/can,第二档是表示“很有可能”的should/ought to/would/will,第三档是表示“最有可能”的must。它们的否定形式全都是can’t,表示否定式的推测,意思是“不可能...”。这句话的意思是:她不可能生病的,因为就在刚才我还看见她打排球了。Because引导了这个句子的原因状语从句。

21. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是“should not have done”结构,这个结构的意思是“不应该做过去所做的事情”。例如本题的题干中的前一部分:I shouldn’t have driven at 80 miles,它的意思就是,“我不应该开到80迈这么快”。如果要表示过去应该做某事,但是没有做,我们用should have done something这个句式。因此我们应该选B。这个句子中,but引导了一个状语从句。这个从句中,也有一个复合结构,构成了它的宾语部分,那就是telling people how fast they can drive,这个部分是对从句的宾语sign的补充说明部分。这个句子的意思是:对不起,长官,我不应该开80脉这么快,可是,这个地区内,我没有看见任何标志告诉人们可以开多快。

22. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是why not结构,这个结构的一般用法是why not do something?这个结构一般用来给对方建议的,意思是“为什么不干...呢?”。我们还可以用Why don’t you …?这个结构表示同样的建议。但是本句的题干是why not,因此后面直接加动词的原形,因此这个题的答案是A。

23. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是it is (not) + adj. to do something这个句式,这个结构的意思是“做某事很(不)…”。因此本题的答案应该是A。figure out这个短语的意思是“计算出,解决”。这个题的意思是:解出这道数学难题可不是一件容易的事情。

24. 【答案】D

25. 【答案】D
【题解】该题考查的是形近异义词的辨析,release的意思是释放, 解放, 放弃, 让与, 免除, 发表;relive重新过活, 再体验;reject拒绝, 抵制, 否决, 呕出, 驳回, 丢弃;relieve减轻, 解除, 援救, 救济, 换班。本题题干的意思是:现在吃了这个要吧,我相信它能减轻你的痛苦。因此本题应该选择D。

26. 【答案】C
【题解】该题考查的是turn和介词构成的短语。turn out的意思是关闭(煤气、自来水、电灯等);出席,到场;生产,出产;turn up找到,发现;出现,露面;turn down 拒绝;turn away走开,转过脸。这句话的意思是:你怎么能拒绝她的帮助呢?我恐怕她会觉得受到伤害了。因此本题应该选C。

27. 【答案】D
【题解】该题考查的是介词后面应该加什么成分。for是介词,介词后面应该加名词、代词或者是名词性质的短语,该题中be able to的动名词形式应该是在动词be上面加ing,由于这个词组是名词性质的词组,因此对它的否定的not应该是放在它的前面。因此本题的答案应该为D。本题的题意是:她为不能够出席此次会议道歉。

28. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是比较结构的用法。两者比较的关系是成倍数的时候,倍数要放在as…as…结构的前面。“两倍宽”就是 “twice as wide as…”。因此这里答案应该是B。这个题干的译文是:买这件新上衣花的钱是我前年买的那件衣服的三倍。

29. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是短语辨析。hand in 上交;give away指的是分发,送出;pass out昏过去,死掉;write out写出,取消某个角色。这个题的意思是:每一个学期我们的教授们都会发给我们一个单,上面列着我们要读的书。
30. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是表示推测的结构。这道题是对过去所发生的事情的推测,因此应该用过去完成时态,在20题中我们区分了,ought to/should和must的语气肯定程度,must应该是最肯定的一个,该题题干的意思是:我肯定是在那个商店买东西的时候把钱包掉在那里了。这个推测语气应该是比较肯定的,因此我们应该选择答案A。

31. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是leave的短语。leave alone不管,不顾。例如:leave somebody alone就是“别管某人”;leave behind留下,遗留;leave off停止,不再穿;leave out 省略,忽略,不考虑。这句话的意思是:我肯定你把你的钱包留在客厅了。因此我们的答案应该是B。

32. 【答案】A
【题解】这个题的题干意思是:这次调查的结果很有意思,它们引发的问题比能够回答的问题还要多。Bring about致使,使发生;prohibit禁止,阻止;project设计,计划,放映;benefit from从…获得利益,从…获得好处。从逻辑关系来看这个句子应该选择答案A。

33. 【答案】A

34. 【答案】C

35. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是judging by (from)这个习惯用语,这个短语的意思是“根据...来判断”。注意这个词的用法和我们一般的根据主句中的主语和独立机构中的动词的逻辑关系来决定其形式不同,因此不能以为judge和后面的she应该是被动关系就选B。这个题的答案应该是A。这句话的译文:从她脸上的表情判断,她没有听懂我的意思。

36. 【答案】D
【题解】该题考查的是倒装语序。By no means放在句首,后面的句子应该进行部分倒装。ought to作为一个整体,在倒装的过程中,分开了两个部分,ought应该倒装到前面,而to作为动词的标志仍留在原先的位置,即动词的前面。因此答案应该为D。这句话的译文为:无论如何,我们不应该忽视我们的错误。

37. 【答案】D
【题解】该题考查的是have somebody do something这个结构,这个结构的意思是:让某人做某事,因此该题的答案应该是D。这句话的意思是:老师让他的学生们每隔一周写一篇文章。

38. 【答案】D

39. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是固定搭配。主句的谓语动词是be different from something,从句是the solid has its definite shape。In that是固定连词,表示“因为、由于”;in which多用于引导非限制性定语从句;in what是错误干扰项;因此这里我们选A。because of 后面一般加的是名词。这句话的译文是:固体不同于液体,在于它有固定的形状。

40. 【答案】D
【题解】该题考查的是强调句型,这个句型的一般句式是:It is…that…。Is后面加的是要强调的部分。这句话的译文是:正是由于他的仁慈和谦逊,他才赢得了别人的尊重。

41. 【答案】B
42. 【答案】A
【题解】该题考查的是引导的让步状语从句,此句中的as是一个引导让步状语从句的连词,它的一个特殊用法就是将表语形容词提前来表达,比如我们说“尽管她还年轻”,可以说Yong as she is,所以本题的答案应该是这个模式。应该选A。这句话的译文是:尽管他很强壮,走了长达八个小时的路,他还是疲惫不堪;了。

43. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是stick to这个短语。stick to坚持真理,坚持干某事;commit to 一般用法是commit oneself to something 意思是专心致志地从事…,委身于…;combine 一般和介词with连用,意思是“将…和…联合起来”;fall to开始用餐,开始进攻。这句话的译文是:他们同意坚持原则,决不改变。

44. 【答案】D
【题解】该题是形近词辨析。boast炫耀,自夸,以…而自豪;blame责备,谴责;block妨碍,阻碍;balance平衡,权衡,对比。这四个词中,只有balance 可以和介词against连用,即balance something against something。因此本题的答案就是D。这句话的译文是:该公司不得不平衡上三个月的收支。

45. 【答案】B
【题解】该题考查的是run和介词构成的短语。run away with带...潜逃, 获得, 消耗, 轻易接受, 失控;run out of用完,用尽;run off逃跑, 流掉, 进行决赛, 进行(试验), 迅速写出;run down(用车)撞倒,追寻,追获。这句话是说:我们用完了纸和墨水,让爱德华太太借给我们一些吧。因此这个题应该选B。

46. 【答案】C

47. 【答案】B

48. 【答案】B
    【题解】该题考查单词appreciate的用法,该词后需要接名词或名词词组,故将B项改为your recommendation of me。该题错误使用了动词appreciate的搭配。

49. 【答案】A
    【题解】该题考查虚拟语气的用法。由句意可知,该句表达的是一种惋惜,故使用虚拟语气,因此将A项改为would have not。该题未能正确使用虚拟语气。

50. 【答案】B
    【题解】该题考查固定搭配。某人与某人熟悉sb is familiar with sb, 某物对某人来说很熟悉sth is familiar to sb。 该题混淆了这两个固定搭配。

51. 【答案】B

52. 【答案】C
    【题解】该题考查主谓一致。主语尽管由两个名词组成,但是表达的概念是一个人,即 单数概念,所以C项改为is。该题未能准确辨别主语的单复数概念。

53. 【答案】B

54. 【答案】A
    【题解】该题考查分词的用法。由题意可知,主句中主语the painting和状语中动词look的关系是被动,所以只能使用过去分词looked,而不能使用现在分词。该题混淆了现在分词和过去分词的用法。

55. 【答案】B

56. 【答案】B
    【题解】该题考查固定搭配。sb is /become familiar with sth/sb某人对人/物(开始)熟悉。

57. 【答案】D

58. 【答案】C .
    【题解】该题考查习惯用法。一般指家庭成员我们使用“members of the family”。

59. 【答案】A

60. 【答案】C

61. 【答案】D
62. 【答案】D

63. 【答案】C

64. 【答案】B

65. 【答案】B
    【题解】该题考查固定搭配。只有consist of 表示“组成”,其它选项(A,D)要么不是完整的词组,要么没有该意义(C)。

66. 【答案】A

67. 【答案】A

68. 【答案】D
69. 【答案】A
    【题解】该题考查习惯用法。from mother’s tips是指“从妈妈的嘴里(话里)”。

70. 【答案】D

71. 【答案】B
    【题解】该题考查词义辨析。A项“听说”,B项“参加活动”,C 项“收到来信”,D项“听”,能够和讲座(lectures)搭配的只有B,表示“参加听讲座的活动”。

72. 【答案】C

73. 【答案】B

74. 【答案】C

75. 【答案】B







Section B
Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.






81,It is that tree that saved their lives in the flood.

82,It is beyond our imagination that what exits in that star which is so far away.

83,He was late for school again this morning. He must have gone to bed very late yesterday evening.
84,The parents did not expect that their child’s question was too hard to give a reply.
85, However, there are still thousands of young people who are hard to find a job in that country.


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