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作者:未知    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2007-7-12    
        ★★★ 【字体:

A. talk         B. talked 
 C. will talk     D. talking 
36. The ____ flowers were all that remained. 
A. two yellow little     B. little two yellow 
C. yellow two little      D. two little yellow 
37. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the sportsmen to____. 
A. go by               B. go on 
C. go over              D. go after 
38. I’m far from ______with what you have done. 
A. pleased           B. pleasing 
C. pleasure           D. please 
39. The ability _____is very important for any speaker. 
A. to hear clearly B. to be ~clearly heard 
C. to hearing clearly D. to being clearly heard 
40. ____ she finds out that you’ve lost her books. 
A. As if B. Even if 
C. What if D. Suppose that 
41. Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and ____ 
A. visiting his daughter B. to visit his daughter 
C. visit his daughter D. visited his daughter 
42. Are you serious in ____ such a view? 
A. putting on      B. putting off 
C. putting up      D. putting forward 
43. The plane crashed, its bombs ____ as it hit the ground. 
A. exploded      B. were exploded 
C. exploding      D. were exploding 
44. You should be content — what you have. 
A. to B. about 
C. with D. for 
45. “Do you like to ride on the old bus to school?” Yes, I prefer it _____.” 
A. to walk B. to walking 
C. walking D. having walked 
46. My vacation begins next Tuesday, ____ I will leave for Florida. 
A. which B. that 
C. while D. when 
47. Can you tell me ____ about the city that makes people love it so much? 
A. it is what          B. what it is 
C. what is it         D. is it what    
48. Though he is very intelligent, he is ____ rather modest. 
A. hence            B. otherwise 
 C. nevertheless       D. therefore    
49. Lack of imagination is an obstacle ____ one’s advancement.    
 A. to               B. of 
 C. for               D. about 
50. If you can provide the wine, I’ll ____ the food. 
A. see to             B. look at 

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