I: Structure and Vocabulary (15 points)
1. [B] |
2. [C] |
3. [D] |
4. [B] |
5. [A] |
6. [C] |
7. [A] |
8. [C] |
9. [D] |
10. [D] |
11. [B] |
12. [B] |
13. [D] |
14. [B] |
15. [B] |
II: Reading Comprehension (20 points)
16. [A] |
17. [B] |
18. [D] |
19. [C] |
20. [D] |
21. [A] |
22. [C] |
23. [D] |
24. [A] |
25. [B] |
III: Cloze Test (10 points)
26. [A] |
27. [A] |
28. [C] |
29. [B] |
30. [D] |
31. [B] |
32. [A] |
33. [D] |
34. [A] |
35. [C] |
IV: Error-detection and Correction (10 points)
36. [C] to pay |
37. [B] a |
38. [D] to survive |
39. [A] in which |
40. [A] Being |
41. [D] to spend it |
42. [C] doing |
43. [D] expense |
44. [A] such |
45. [D] getting used to |
V: Verb Forms (10 points)
46. to have lived |
47. should have left |
48. would/should have won |
49. having written |
50. were/was going |
51. being driven |
52. will have improved |
53. was being repaired |
54. drink |
55. assigned |
VI: Chinese-English Translation (15 points)
56. All travellers are advised to fasten their safety-belts to avoid being bumped.
57. No increase in output can be expected unless a new assembly line is installed.
58. It is suggested that an exploration tour to the Hainan Island (should) be arranged during the summer vacation.
59. He gave lots of examples in order to get the difficult points in the text fully explained.
60. Nurses often devote their whole lives to tending the sick.
VII: English-Chinese Translation (20 points)
61. 她吃力地伏在显微镜上干活,手焊体积很小的电子计算机,每小时能焊好18个。
62. 一家工厂的跟踪调查表明,被解雇的工人中一年后只有38%的人找到了与原工资相等或优于原工资的工作。
63. 它(新技术的采用导致失业上升)一开始被全球性的经济衰退所引起的失业所掩盖,但到20世纪末,新技术所引起的失业问题可能会构成对社会经济的巨大挑战。
64. 被一台机器抢走你的工作是很伤自尊心的,可又没法还击,但真正伤我心的是要费很大的劲去寻找新的工作。
65. 老工人由于处于技术掌握得很有限的困境,往往不能重新获得其原有的地位和就业机会。
66. 要付出的社会代价远远超过政府在福利与失业救济方面的开支。
67. 未来学家海曼·西摩说,新技术所具有的惊人效率意味着所需要的劳力将出现一个绝对的和直接的净减数。
68. 为失业工人提供的由联邦政府帮助的培训计划和免费重返学校学习的计划目前都在实施中,但专家中几乎没有认为这些计划能跟得上新技术的发展步伐。 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]