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作者:carol 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2007-4-12 20:34:03

Section I: Structure and Vocabulary

In each sentence, decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET (15 points)

1.     They lost their way in the forest, and ________ made matters worse was that night began to fall.

[A] that

[B] it

[C] whatC

[D] which

2.     ________ my return, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back for several hours.

[A] At

[B] On

[C] WithB

[D] During

3.     Anyone who has spent time with children is aware of the difference in the way boys and girls respond to ________ situations.

[A] similar

[B] alike

[C] sameA

[D] likely

4.     There is not much time left; so I’ll tell you about it ________.

[A] in detail

[B] in brief

[C] in shortB

[D] in all

5.     In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully ________.

[A] admitted

[B] acknowledged

[C] absorbedD

[D] considered

6.     There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ________ a sudden loud noise.

[A] being there

[B] should there be

[C] there wasB

[D] there having been

7.     By the year 2000, scientists probably ________ a cure for cancer.

[A] will be discovering

[B] are discovering

[C] will have discoveredC

[D] have discovered

8.     Jim isn’t ________, but he did badly in the final exams last semester.

[A] gloomy

[B] dull

[C] awkwardB

[D] tedious

9.     The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents’ ________.

[A] command

[B] conviction

[C] consentC

[D] compromise

10.   He had ________ on the subject.

[A] a rather strong opinion

[B] rather strong opinion

[C] rather the strong opinionA

[D] the rather strong opinion

11. When Jane fell off the bike, the other children ________.

[A] were not able to help laughter

[B] could not help but laughing

[C] could not help laughingC

[D] could not help to laugh

12.   It is better to die on one’s feet than ________.

[A] living on one’s knees

[B] live on one’s knees

[C] on one’s kneesD

[D] to live on one’s knees

13.   The most important ________ of his speech was that we should all work wholeheartedly for the people.

[A] element

[B] spot

[C] senseD

[D] point

14.   This watch is ________ to all the other watches on the market.

[A] superior

[B] advantageous

[C] superA

[D] beneficial

15.   In a typhoon, winds ________ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

[A] assume

[B] accomplish

[C] attainC

[D] assemble

16.   ________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.

[A] In spite of

[B] But for

[C] Because ofB

[D] As for

17.   Mary ________ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.

[A] has received

[B] ought to have received

[C] couldn’t have receivedC

[D] shouldn’t have received

18.   ________ to speak when the audience interrupted him.

[A] Hardly had he begun

[B] No sooner had he begun

[C] Not until he beganA

[D] Scarcely did he begin

19.   Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ________ to the outside world.

[A] being lost

[B] having lost

[C] losingD

[D] lost

20.   The policemen went into action ________ they heard the alarm.

[A] promptly

[B] presently

[C] quicklyD

[D] directly

21.   The lost car of the Lees was found ________ in the woods off the highway.

[A] vanished

[B] abandoned

[C] scatteredB

[D] rejected

22.   Dress warmly, ________ you’ll catch cold.

[A] on the contrary

[B] or rather

[C] or elseC

[D] in no way

23.   Our research has focused on a drug which is so ________ as to be able to change brain chemistry.

[A] powerful

[B] influential

[C] monstrousA

[D] vigorous

24.   Bob was completely ________ by the robber’s disguise.

[A] taken away

[B] taken down

[C] taken toD

[D] taken in

25.   Difficulties and hardships have ________ the best qualities of the young geologist.

[A] brought out

[B] brought about

[C] brought forthA

[D] brought up

26.   Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ________ in a short period of time.

[A] being created

[B] to have been created

[C] having been createdC

[D] to be created

27.   Even if they are on sale, these refrigerators are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, ________ at the other store.

[A] anyone

[B] the others

[C] thatD

[D] the ones

28.   The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to ________ the investment plan within a week.

[A] work out

[B] put out

[C] make outA

[D] set out

29.   He knows little of mathematics, and ________ of chemistry.

[A] even more

[B] still less

[C] no lessB

[D] still more

30.   The students expected there ________ more reviewing classes before the final exam.

[A] is

[B] being

[C] have beenD

[D] to be

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