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2008年高考英语复习指导:逆向思维 巧用修饰
作者:SINA 文章来源:SINA 点击数: 更新时间:2008-2-15 9:41:00

  南开中学 段胜利

  例二:I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a(an) ___trick.

  A.ordinary B.easy

  C.smart D.simple

  答案D。从题干的surprised和such a…可知是简单的花招。

  例三:The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.

  A. close B. short

  C. narrow D. fine

  答案C。have a narrow escape 幸免于难。

  例四:The rapidly growing birth rate brings about a lot of environment problems, which the government is supposed to take _____.

  A. significantly B. severely

  C. earnestly D. seriously


  例五:——I hear that you will go to visit the space show soon, won’t you?

  ——Yes, September 24, to be______.

  A. frank B. precise

  C. honest D. fair

  答案B。to be frank,坦率地说;to be precise,确切地说,相当于说to be exact;to be honest,老实地说;to be fair公平地说。

  例六:——This book by Tony Garrison is of great use for our course.

  ——But I think his latest one is ______ worth reading.

  A. better B. more

  C. most D. very

  答案A。修饰worth用well,这里his latest one要和第一句的This book做比较,使用比较级better。注意不要使用more,它的原级为much,不修饰worth。

  例七:These plastic flowers look so _____ that many people think they are real.

  A. beautiful B. natural

  C. artificial D. similar

  答案B。natural自然的,与题干后半句real对应。beautiful ,美丽的;artificial ,人工的;similar,相似的。

  例八:It is for a person in his position to make such a mistake.

  A. rare B. scare

  C. usual D. rarely



  1. I would be very _____ if you could give me an early reply.

  A. pleasant B. grateful

  C. satisfied D. helpful

  2. When you turn on the TV set, clear pictures will _____ appear on the screen.

  A. rapidly B. hurriedly

  C. lately D. immediately

  3. Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not _____.

  A. widely B. thoroughly

  C. entirely D. extensively

  4. —— Do you allow your son to go to any Internet caféon holidays?

  —— not !

  A.Extremely B.Thoroughly

  C.Absolutely D.Completely

  5. The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will _____have been solved by the end of next week.

  A. eagerly B. hopefully

  C. immediately D. gradually

  6. He is often praised as the greatest romance writer, so it is ___ that he remained unmarried.

  A. challenging

  B. surprising

  C. embarrassing

  D. understanding

  7.—— What do you think of John?

  ——Well, ______ his homework is late, but on the whole, he’s a good student.

  A. generally B. especially

  C. absolutely D. occasionally

  8. It was a long journey, but we ________arrived.

  A. constantly B. eventually

  C. traditionally D. occasionally

  9. When I went up, saw the baby awake.

  A. wide B. completely

  C. very D. quite

  10. Great inventors don’t graduate from famous universities. Some didn’t even go to university.

  A. likely B. necessarily

  C. really D. nearly

  11. The girl struggling in the river shouted for help, but none of the people jumped into the river to rescue her; ______, they just went away.

  A.therefore B.anyhow C.instead D.though

  12. I lost my wallet last week , but I didn’t have any money or credit cards in it at that time.

  A.luckily B.hopefully

  C.gladly D.normally

  13. The wedding dress which was made to her measure fitted her .

  A.fine B.perfect

  C.good D.nice

  14. He was rejected for the job vacancy because he couldn’t be ______even for the interview.

  A.responsible B.beneficial

  C.punctual D.regular

  15. By looking at a problem in as many ways as possible , creative thinkers can find solutions that would remain invisible.

  A.otherwise B.yet

  C.already D.forever



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