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作者:SINA 文章来源:SINA 点击数: 更新时间:2008-4-21 11:38:00


  1、Unfortunately, when I dropped in, Doctor Li for Beijing to join in the fight against SARS, so we only had time for a few words.

  A、just left B、has just left C、is just leaving D、was just leaving

  2、----If the traffic hadn’t been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o’clock.

  ----What a pity! Tina here to see you.

  A、is B、was C、would be D、has been

  3、He me that he here for twenty years by this year.

  A、told;will teach B、tells;will have been teaching

  C、told;had taught D、told;would have been teaching

  4、Since I won the big prize,my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing.People to ask how I am going to spend the money.

  A、phone B、will phone C、were phoning D、are phoning

  5、This is one of the oldest temples in China.It the 9th century.

  A、is dated from B、is dated back to C、was dated from D、dates back to

  6、The new trend of the flowing army of migrant workers the attention of lawmakers and government advisers who in Beijing for their annual sessions this week.

  A、caught;is gatherintg B、catch;have gathered

  C、are catching;are gathered D、has caught;are gathering

  7、The fact he didn’t recognize me means that I a lot in the past few years.

  A、that;changed B、which;had changed

  C、when;changed D、that;have changed

  8、Nowadays,a large number of women,especially those from the countryside, in the clothing industry.

  A、is working B、works C、work D、worked

  9、----Mom,the door .My keys are locked in it again.

  ----You it!I told you always to carry your keys with you.

  A、won’t open;have asked for B、won’t be opened

  C、asked for D、can’t open;are asking for

  10、Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her parents to know what she .

  A、has done B、had done C、was doing D、is doing

  11、----Why didn’t you turn up at the meeting?

  ----I for a long—distance call from my cousion in England.

  A、waited B、had waited C、was waiting D、have been waiting

  12、Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea,which the Pacific,and we met no storms.

  A、was called B、is called C、had been called D、has been called

  13、----We that you would fix the radio this Tuesday.

  ----I’m awfully sorry,sir.I to do so,but you see,I’ve been too busy.

  A、had expected;had meant B、expect;want

  C、expected;intend D、am expecting;have intended

  14、The TV play isn’t interesting enough .

  A、to watch B、to watch it C、to be watched D、watching

  15、----Let’s see if the baseball game has started yet.

  ----Started?It must be clear who by now.

  A、is winning B、wins C、has won D、would win

  16、----Are you still busy?

  ----Yes,I my work,and it won’t take long.

  A、just finish B、am just finishing C、have just finished D、am just going to finish

  1-----5DBDDD 6-----10DDCCC 11----16CBAAAB


  1、----Hi,Tracy,you look tired.

  ----I am tired.I the living room all day.

  A、painted B、had painted C、have been painting D、have painted

  2、The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics by 2006.

  A、has been completed B、has completed

  C、will have been completed D、will have completed

  3、 he will return to his native land.

  A、It is long before that B、It is before long that

  C、It won’t be long before D、It will be before long that

  4、His wife to catch the first train but she was too late.

  A、hoping B、had hoped C、has hoped D、would hope

  5、Tom said he to her,but he yet.

  A、will write;didn’t B、has written;hasn’t

  C、was going to write;wasn’t D、would write;hasn’t

  6、Millions of pounds’worth of damage by a storm which swept across the north of England last night.

  A、has been caused B、had been caused C、will be caused D、will have been caused

  7、----What are you going to do this afternoon?

  ----I am going to the cinema with some friends.The film quite early,so we to the bookstore after that.

  A、finished;are going B、finished;go C、finishes;are going D、finishes;go

  8、With more forests being destroyed,huge quantities of good earth each year.

  A、is washing away B、is being washed away

  C、are washing away D、are being washed away

  9、----What’s wrong with your leg?

  ----I got injured in a car accident.

  ----I suppose you too fast.

  A、were driving B、had driven C、had been driving D、have driven

  10、----Alice,why didn’t you come yesterday?

  ----I ,but I had an unexpected visitor.

  A、had B、would C、was going to D、did

  11、----Hello!Fancy meeting you here!

  ----Hi,Elizabeth.I how to spend the morning—until I saw you.

  A、was just wondering B、have wandered

  C、am just wondering D、had been wondered

  12、----Does Liu Hua serve in the army?

  ----No,but he in the army for three years.

  A、served B、has served C、is serving D、would serve

  13、----This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

  ----Yes,I know him very well.He in Africa with animals for eight years.

  A、has worked B、had worked C、worked D、has been working

  14、The naughty boy!He where he leaves his things.

  A、always forgets B、will always forget

  C、is always forgetting D、has always forgotten

  15、The girl is very shy,and never speaks until to.

  A、spoken B、speaking C、speak D、be spoken

  1-----5CCBBD 6-----10ACDAC 11-----15AACCA


  1、The price ,but I doubt whether it will remain so.

  A、went down B、will go down C、has gone down D、was going down

  2、----What’s wrong with your coat?

  ----Just now when I wanted to get off the bus,the man next to me on it.

  A、sat B、had sat C、had been sitting D、was sitting

  3、The country life he was used to greatly since 1992.

  A、change B、has changed C、changing D、have changed

  4、I don’t really work here;I until the new secretary arrives.

  A、just help out B、have just helped out

  C、am just helping out D、will just help out

  5、Experts think we won’t have clean water to drink unless something soon,but much remains about environment protection.

  A、would be done;doing B、is done;to be done

  C、will be done;to do D、is done;to do

  6、Although he has lived with us for years,he us much impression.

  A、hadn’t left B、didn’t leave C、doesn’t leave D、hasn’t left

  7、----Do you kown our town at all?

  ----No.This is the first time I here.

  A、was B、have been C、came D、am coming

  8、Rainforests and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

  A、being cut B、are cut C、to be cut D、are being cut

  9、----I suppose Jack is late again.

  ----You it!

  A、are guessing B、will guess C、guess D、have guessed

  10、----Have you brought the camera?

  ----Oh,my poor memory!I before leaving home.

  A、mentioned B、had been mentioned

  C、have been mentioned D、have mentioned

  11、----Come on,Peter,I want to show you something.

  ----Oh,how nice of you!I you to bring me a gift.

  A、never think;are going B、never thought;were going

  C、didn’t think;were going D、hadn’t thought;were going

  12、It’s said that he because of his killing an old man.

  A、has been held a prisoner B、has been taken a prisoner

  C、was held prisoner D、was in prisoner

  13、The discussion alive when an interesting topic was brought in.

  A、was coming B、had come C、has come D、came

  14、Now that she is out of a job,Lucy going back to school,but she hasn’t decided yet.

  A、had considered B、has been considering C、considered D、is going to consider

  15、According to the art dealer,the painting to go for at least a million dollars.

  A、is expected B、expects C、expected D、is expecting

  1-----5CDBCB 6-----10CBDDB 11-----15BCDBA


  1、Listen to the two girls by the window.What language ?

  A、did they speak B、were they speaking

  C、are they speaking D、have they been speaking

  2、----Hurry up!Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

  ----Oh!I thought they without me.

  A、went B、are going C、have gone D、had gone

  3、He was hoping to go abroad but his parents that they won’t support him unless he can borrow money from the bank.

  A、were deciding B、have decided C、decided D、will decide

  4、We plan to reach the North Pole in mid-July,and by then we for six weeks.

  A、are walking B、have been walking

  C、will be walking D、will have been walking

  5、She a secretary for five years,but now she is a manager of a big store.

  A、is B、was C、had been D、has been

  6、No one this building without the permission of the police.

  A、is leaving B、is to leave C、has left D、will be leaving

  7、His method should be popularized;it practical.

  A、proves B、is proved C、has been proved D、proved

  8、It long before China on the moon.

  A、will not be;will land B、is;will land C、will not be;lands D、is;lands

  9、----She didn’t take the medicine last night,did she?

  ---- .

  A、No,but I wish she wouldn’t B、No,but I wish she had

  C、Yes,but I wish she did D、Yes,but I wish she wouldn’t

  10、----What about the books?

  ----Books of this kind well.

  A、sell B、sells C、are sold D、is sold

  11、When he came back to life,the young man found himself in a small house and everything he .

  A、lay;had been stolen B、lay;was stolen

  C、lying;had stolen D、lying;had been stolen

  12、----Why,John ,have you changed your home phone number?

  ----No.But I with my uncle’s family this week.

  A、have been staying B、have stayed C、am staying D、stay

  13、I should very much like to have gone to that party of theirs,but .

  A、I’m not invited B、I have not been invited

  C、I was not invited D、I will not be invited

  14、----I’ve bought a box of chocolates for our daughter.

  ----Oh!how good a dad!But she doesn’t like sweet things, that?

  A、don’t you kown B、haven’t you known

  C、didn’t you know D、hadn’t you known

  15、I would be sitting in a comfortable office now if I more energies to my study instead of being crazy about going online at college.

  A、devoted B、would have devoted C、were to devote D、had devoted

  1-----5CDBDB 6-----10BACBA 11-----15CCCCD

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