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  新东方考研英语完形、新题型名师 沈昂

  考研阅读PART B部分的7选5题型具有相当的难度,是绝大多数考生颇感棘手的题型。










  例1:……The new design was well received by the reception staff of the hotel chain._________

  正确选项为:They all believe that its introduction has led to a modern ,more professional corporate image and greater confidence among them.

  例题分析:选项中的they 是复数的人数代词主格,对应空格前句中的staff,staff是一个集合名词(全体员工),是个复数概念。代词中有一类叫不定代词,常见的有:one, everyone, everybody, each, both, all, many, these, this 等,特别要注意它们所指代的名词概念的单复数性质,考生如果对此比较敏感,对解题有很大的帮助。

  例2:It is important, therefore, that we should know what people using our stores want of us.__________ During the past two years, we have been working hard to improve the standard of our products in both these areas.

  正确选项:Research commissioned by the company shows that, above all else, customers expect fashion and value.

  例题分析:空格后句末in both these areas中both这个不定代词提示考生空格中一定出现两个并列的名词概念,即fashion and value。当然该题也可通过同义词对应解题:选项中的expect对应空格前的want,表“需求”。



  例1:Laura Ashley made a fortune by looking back to past centuries, searching for old designs to decorate a variety of clothes and household furnishings. _____.

  正确选项:These traditional products created a huge wave of demand from the States and elsewhere.


  例2:A Norwegian company, Cortex, has patented a cork, made from man-made materials which it claims is superior to the real thing. ________.

  正确选项:I hopes to be making 200 million of its synthetic corks a year by the end of the decade.


  例3:These days, Dan Baird runs Front Line Developments, his own computer games business, and has just sold his latest game to the American software giant.____________.“The computer game is now a totally accepted means of entertainment,” she says.

  正确选项:She thinks that a lot of people feel that computer games are just a passing fad, but her view is that they are not.

  例题分析:空格前后句都出现了computer game,在读选项的时候很容易注意到这个同词重复的解题线索。


  什么是上下义词和同一范畴词?举个例子读者就明白了。fruit和apple之间就是上下义词,因为前者包含了后者,或者可以说后者是前者的一个子集。apple 和orange之间则是同一范畴的关系,都属于fruit。利用前后句中这样的特殊的同义关系常常可以很轻松地解题。

  例1:A recently study by American management institute shows that the processing of documents takes up 60% of office works’ time, 40% of labor costs and up to 10% of business income. ______.

  正确选项:These figures are hardly surprising since documents convey nine-tenths of all information.

  例题分析:选项中的these figurer提示我们前句一定出现了三个或三个以上的数字,figure/number/data 等都表示“数字,数据”,空格前面出现了三个百分数,属于数字的一种,是上下义词次的关系。

  例2:Certain key products have been subject to a thorough review, most notably menswear , where significant advances have been made in product design and manufacture. ____________.All of these have reported an increase in market share.

  正确选项:Other areas where product innovation has been particularly effective are in lingerie, gifts and homeware.

  例题分析:空格后句开头all of these 提示我们空格里面肯定出现三个或三个以上并列的名词概念,正是选项中的lingerie(女士内衣),gifts(礼品)and homeware(家居用品),这三个名词与前句中的menswear(男士服装)属于同一范畴类的事物,都是百货商店里的常见商品类别。从这道例题我们还能得出这样一个有用的结论:很多题目的衔接可能不止一个,我们可以从不同的角度来解题或对答案进行验证。   


  1. 解释关系


  例题:By 1995, the year she died, the business had grown so much that she had decided to remain involved only in the area of design. ______.

  正确选项:The creative side of things was what she had always enjoyed most.

  例题分析:design这个词的中文意思大家肯定很熟悉,但笔者如果提个问题,不知道有多少读者能回答出来:What is the essential quality(nature) of a successful designer?(一个成功的设计师的基本素质是什么?究竟怎样的人可以被称之为设计师?)答案是:He or she must have original mind.(必须具有创新思维。)选项中的the creative side of things 是对前句中the area of design的最好解释。其实任何语言学习的最高境界就是对语言所表达的思想的精确理解,而不是表面的语言现象。笔者留一个简单的问题给读者思考:Who can be called entrepreneurs(企业家)?

  2. 例证关系


  例题:Manager should provide regular feedback to their staff._____.

  正确选项:For example, when good work has been done it must be praised.


  3. 因果关系

  前后句的逻辑是因果关系,常见的逻辑表达有:because, for , since, as, the reason is that,

  result in /from , be due to , be attributed to 等等。还有一些表示因果逻辑关系的表达是比较隐蔽的,如:underlie (前者构成后者的基础,实际是前者是因,后者是果),再如:in response to(前者作为后者的回应,即后者是因,前者是果)。希望考生在平日英语学习中多作总结,这对考研各个部分的解题都有好处。

  例题:There is no doubt that, in an increasingly competitive trading environment , we are better equipped than ever to compete and to win and we feel increasingly optimistic.______.

  正确选项:This is due to our now having a clear strategy with a focus on the customer, product improvement and store refurbishment.

  例题分析:选项句中有一个非常重要的形容词clear,这个词足以说明该公司的strategy(战略)是正确的,一家公司有着清晰而正确的战略思想当然会使其蒸蒸日上。空格前面一句正是讲的该公司踌躇满志,十分乐观。空格句开头的this is due to 反映出这样的因果逻辑关系。



  例题:Company both large and small have spend large sums of money on improving office computer facilities._________. It seems that business have failed to apply the developments in technology to greater effect.

  正确选项:However , this enormous investment has not improved productivity as expected.

  例题分析:空格前句作者如果不是正面也至少可以说是中性的描述:公司无论大小都在改进自己的办公室的硬件方面不惜血本投资。空格后面的一句中有一个明确的表示负面评价的词fail to。如果没有空格中的这句话,前后两句的逻辑出现了断层(logical gap)。所以考生可以在备选项中搜寻转折逻辑的各种表达法,很快就能找出正确的选项。   


  英语文章绝大多数都是总分结构,无论是全篇的逻辑,还是每一个独立的意群(一般以自然段的形式出现)的逻辑都是总分结构。 利用总句和分句中可能存在的上述各种衔接关系可以迅速地解题。由于篇幅有限,这里就不举例说明了。


  On the north bank of the Ohio river sits Evansville, Ind, home of David Williams, 52, and of a riverboat casino, a place where gambling games are played. During several years of gambling in that casino, Williams, a state auditor earning $35,000 a year, lost approximately $175,000. He had never gambled before the casino sent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.

  He visited the casino, lost the $20 and left. On his second visit he lost $800. The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a “Fun Card”, which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user’s gambling activities. For Williams, these activities become what he calls “electronic heroin”.

  (41) __________________________. In 1997 he lost $21,000 to one slot machine in two days. In March 1997 he lost $72,186. He sometimes played two slot machines at a time, all night, until the boat locked at 5 a.m., then went back aboard when the casino opened at 9 a.m. Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted. It did know he had a problem.

  In March 1998, a friend of Williams’s got him involuntarily confined to a treatment center for addictions, and wrote to inform the casino of Williams’s gamblers. The casino included a photo of Williams among those of banned gamblers, and wrote to him a “cease admissions” letter. Noting the “medical/psychological” nature of problem gambling behavior, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being.

  (42) ________________________________________.

  The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 20 signs warning, “enjoy the fun and always bet with your head, not over it.” Every entrance ticket lists a toll-free number for counseling from the Indiana Department of Mental Health. Nevertheless Williams’s suit charged that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling”, intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will” well.

  (43) _________________________________________.

  The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says “pathological gambling ” involves persistent, recurring and uncontrollable pursuit loss of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall.

  44._____________________________. Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.

  (45) ____________________________.

  Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering. And since the first Internet gambling site was created in 1995, competition for gambler’s dollars has become intense. The Oct. 28 issue of Newsweek reported that 2 million gamblers patronize 1,800 virtual casinos every week, with $3.5 billion being lost on Internet wagers this year, gambling has passed pornography as the web’s most profitable business.

  (A) Although no such evidence was presented, the casino’s marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings. And he entered the casino and used his Fun Card without being detected.

  (B) It is unclear what luring was required, given his compulsive behavior. And in what sense was his will operative?

  (C) By the time he had lost $5,000, he said to himself that if he could get back to even , he would quit , one night he won $5,500 ,but he did not quit.

  (D) Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin, or a social disease. Now it is a social policy: the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in America is the government

  (E) David Williams’ suit should trouble this gambling nation. But don’t bet on it.

  (F) It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems, often defining as addictions what earlier ,sterner generations explained as weakness of will.

  (G) The anonymous, lonely, undistracted nature of online gambling is especially conductive to compulsive behavior. But even if the government knew how to move against Internet gambling, what would be its grounds for doing so?


  原题空格前后两句:For Williams, these activities become what he calls “electronic heroin”.

  (41) _____________________. In 1997 he lost $21,000 to one slot machine in two days. In March 1997 he lost $72,186.

  正确选项: (C) By the time he had lost $5,000, he said to himself that if he could get back to even , he would quit , one night he won $5,500 ,but he did not quit.

  分析:这是五题中最简单的一道。选项中的$5,000和$5,500与空格中的$21,000和$72,186都是金钱数字,属于同一范畴概念,由于其他选项中没有任何数字,考生应该很快能看出这个答案。另一层对应是在逻辑上的,空格所在的选项句和空格后面的一句其实是用具体的事实数据在描述David Williams的赌瘾越来越大,这正是空格前句中“electronic heroin”(电子海洛因)的解释,属于我们前面总结的解释型逻辑关系。


  原题空格前后两句:Noting the “medical/psychological” nature of problem gambling behavior, the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being. (42) _________________________________________.The Wall Street Journal reports that the casino has 20 signs warning,“enjoy the fun and always bet with your head, not over it .”

  正确选项:(A) Although no such evidence was presented, the casino’s marketing department continued to pepper him with mailings. And he entered the casino and used his Fun Card without being detected.

  分析:空格前面一句中的letter一词和选项中的mailings是同义词对应。第二层对应也是同义词的对应:空格前句中的patronizing the casino(光顾赌场)和选项中entered the casino(进入赌场)其实是相同的意思。


  原题空格前后两句:Nevertheless Williams’s suit charged that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling”, intentionally worked to “lure” him to “engage in conduct against his will” well. (43) _____________________________________.The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says “pathological gambling” involves persistent, recurring and uncontrollable pursuit loss of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall.

  正确选项:(B) It is unclear what luring was required, given his compulsive behavior. And in what sense was his will operative?



  原题空格前后两句:The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says “pathological gambling” involves persistent, recurring and uncontrollable pursuit loss of money than of the thrill of taking risks in quest of a windfall. (44)_____________________________. Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities.

  正确选项:(F) It is worrisome that society is medicalizing more and more behavioral problems, often defining as addictions what earlier ,sterner generations explained as weakness of will.

  分析:此题有多层的对应关系。第一层对应为:空格前句的diagnostic(诊断上的),选项中的medicalize(医学化)以及空格后面的physical(身体上的)虽然不是近义词或同义词,但很明显它们属于同一医学范畴,因此属于同一范畴词汇对应;第二层对应为:选项中的defining as(注意选项中有倒装结构,原结构应该是define ……as……)与空格后的reclassifying……as……是近义词表达法,都是表示“归类为,定义为”;第三层对应为:选项中的weakness of will ( 意志上的弱点)和空格后句中的character flaws(性格的缺陷)是上下义词的关系,前者属于后者。


  原题空格前后两句:Pushed by science, or what claims to be science, society is reclassifying what once were considered character flaws or moral failings as personality disorders akin to physical disabilities. (45)_____________________________. Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.

  正确选项:(D) Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin, or a social disease. Now it is a social policy: the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in America is the government.

  分析:此题有两层对应。第一层对应是:空格后面的“Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent on—you might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.”(44个州发行各种彩票,29个州开设赌场,大多数州在不同程度上依赖于赌场收入)是以具体的例子来说明选项中的“Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever”(赌博已经成为美国生活中一个司空见惯的现象),是上文总结的例证逻辑关系。第二层对应是:空格后句中的revenues(收入)一词是个专业术语,特指国家政府的财政收入。它与空格后的government属于同一范畴词汇对应关系。


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