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作者:SINA 文章来源:SINA 点击数: 更新时间:2007-12-27 18:18:00


  1. I wonder what it feels like to be one of ____ really rich. The Brows already have Rolls Royce and now they are buying_____ third. [仿04NMET(I)--24]

  A.the; the   B.不填; a   C.the; a   D.不填;the

  2.---What do you think about____ dress in the shop window?

  --- Oh, it's beautiful. She will be pleased if she can have it as____ birthday present. [仿04NMET(I)--24]

  A.a; a     B.a; the    C.the; a    D.the; the

  3.On November 11, 2004, Palestinians learnt that Yasser Arafat, _____ symbol of their struggle, died in _____ Paris hospital. [仿04NMET(I)--24]

  A.a; /     B.the;a     C.a; the     D.the; the

  4.---It's reported that nearly 150,000 people lost their lives in Asian tsunamis(海啸).

  ---Yes, ______ news came as _____ shock to me. [仿04NMET(I)--24]

  A.the; a     B.the; the     C.a; a     D.a; the

  5.---How many people are still leading _____ life under ______ poverty line in the world?

  --- Perhaps one fourth. [仿2004NMET(IV)-35]

  A.the; 不填    B.a; the     C.a; a     D. 不填; 不填


  6.---It is said that Jack is very rich and goes to work in his own new car every day. What is he?

  --- _______, I am not sure.

  A.Somebody of a manager     B.Something of a manager

  C.Anyone of a manager      D.Anything of a manager

  [仿04辽宁卷-24 / 04NMET-35/ 04江苏卷-21 / 04浙江卷-33 / 04福建卷-22 / 04重庆卷-31 / 04广东卷-27 /04湖南卷--21]

  7.As they are retired, Mr and Mrs Scott prefer a house in the country to spend their late years to _____ in a large city. [仿NMET(III) --34]

  A.like     B.it     C.one     D.that

  8.---Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert? [仿04四川卷--32]

  ---Yes. But I don't like _____ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don't like.

  A.this     B.that     C.those     D.it

  9.---Excuse me, where's the tea-room ?

  ---It's right over there. Can I help you with_____? [仿04湖南卷--21]

  --- No, thanks.

  A.anything   B.something   C.nothing   D.everything

  10.---Can you come on Monday or Tuesday ? [仿04北京卷--21]

  --- I'm afraid _____ day is possible.

  A.either    B.some     C.neither    D.any

  11.---What's the difference between the first house and the second ? [仿04浙江卷--33]

  ---The first house has a garage while the second has _____.

  A.no one    B.nothing    C.neither    D.none


  12.The house rent is expensive. I've got about half the space I had at home and I'm paying_____here. [仿04广西卷--33]

  A.asmuch three times      B.much as three times

  C.twice times much       D.three times as much

  13.---We are leaving on June 15. [仿04江苏卷--32]

  ---So why not come to spend _____ days with us? I'm serious.

  A.all these last few      B.these all last few

  C.these last few all      D.all last these few

  14.She looks more beautiful when she wears her____ skirt. {仿04江苏卷--32}

  A.green tight new silk     B.new tight green silk

  C.silk new tight green     D.tight silk green new

  15.It's too late to go out now. ____ , it's starting to rain. [仿04NMET(I)--35]

  A.Meanwhile   B.However   C.Besides    D.Anyhow

  16.This pair of shoes doesn't look good, but that pair is _____ better, I think.[仿2004湖南卷--27]

  A.rather   B.less   C.even    D.hardly


  17.Shopping online can_____both convernience and choice, but not _____ websites aresafe enoung for shopping.[仿04湖南卷--34]

  A.charge;either   B.supply; any   C.offer; all   D.provide; both

  18.---When shall we start?

  ---Let's _____ the time for the trip. What about 8:30? Is that all right? [仿2002北京卷25]

  A.set      B.meet     C.make     D.take

  19.--- Would you like to come to the dinner party here on Saturday ?

  ---Thank you. I'd love to, _____ I'll have to finish all my homework before the weeked, otherwise, my parents won't let me go. [仿2002北京卷27]

  A.because    B.and     C.so     D.but

  20.Now Robert, a football fan in our class, _____ rome of his daily allowance given by his parents in order to buy a new football. [仿04重庆卷--26]

  A.is giving away       B.is throwing away

  C.is putting away     D.is taking away

  21.John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to _____ all his trousers to his measure.

  A.let out   B.give away   C.bring in   D.make up [仿04湖南卷--30]

  22.---Those shoes won't_____for mountain-climbing.

  ---_____this pair be OK?

  A.help;Shall   B.work; May   C.do;Will   D.get;Would [仿04湖北卷36]

  23.Bill , often regarded as one of the best students in his class , _____ to be student who cheated in the exam. [仿04浙江卷--25]

  A.came out   B.let out   C.sent out   D.turned out

  24.I hadn't intended to get much from the business I ran the first year, while it ____ so well. [仿04浙江卷--25]

  A.went out   B.carried out   C.made out   D.turned out

  25.He took pity on the people in the flooded-areas and ______ his clothes and quilts to them. [仿03北京卷23、NMET-2001--26]

  A.gave away   B.gave out   C.sent out   D.threw away

  26.He might have_____ his idea about the art at the exhibition much better if he had planned what he wanted to say. [仿2002北京春招--33]

  A.carried out   B.worked out   C.thought out   D.made out  

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