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作者:SINA 文章来源:SINA 点击数: 更新时间:2008-1-18 15:37:00



  根据短文改错的命题特点, 我们可以按照以下四步进行备考快速练习。

  第一步: 审题。通读全文, 了解大意。全面把握文章整体(时态、 题材及内容)。

  第二步: 重读全文, 应先确定一些明显的错误, 以便疏通短文, 化繁为简, 为后面解题打开思路。许多问题可在这一阶段得到解决。从词法、 句法到行文逻辑三方面着手, 逐句而不是逐行地分析、 找错。

  第三步: 综观全篇, 看错误类型的比例是否得当、 前后逻辑是否一致、 有无前后矛盾等现象。

  第四步: 认真检查, 避免出现以下错误: 符号不规范; 一个词改为几个或几个改为一个; 该大写的未大写; 合成词只改了其中一部分等。

  下面,我们根据词性不同, 来对改错题目进行分类解析。

  第一节 名 词

  在短文改错中见到名词时, 应检查是否有数、 格及名词前限定词用法等错误。汉语中的名词在形式上无复数变化, 而是通过在名词前加数词来表示; 英语则不同, 除了在名词前加数词之外, 如果是可数名词, 还应将该名词变为复数形式。

  1. 检查句中名词的单复数形式是否符合句意。

  2. 检查句中有无可数名词和不可数名词的误用。

  3. 检查句中有无所有格的误用。

  4. 检查句中有无名词前限定词的误用。

  练 习

  请改正下列句子中的语法错误, 注意名词的使用。

  1. He is on good term with me.

  2. He is a generous fellow, and will soon make friend with you again.

  3. His opinion is considered to be great value.

  4. He sent his daughter to a girl’s high school.

  5. Give me three spoonful of sugar.

  6. His eyes are as blue as a Scandinavian.

  7. A few peoples live to be a hundred years old.

  8. Aunt Mary returned home after ten year’s absence.

  9. He is a friend of my brother.

  10. The observation of the law is the first duty of every citizen.

  注 释

  1. term → terms, term的复数形式表示条件、 关系, on good terms with...意为“与……关系良好”。

  2. friend → friends, make friends with...与某人交朋友。

  3. be great value → be of great value, value是名词, be of+名词=be+形容词。即of great value=greatly valuable。

  4. girl’s → girls’, 女子高中是a girls’ high school。

  5. spoonful → spoonfuls, spoonful是可数名词。

  6. scandinavian → Scandinavian’s。.

  7. peoples → people此处people作“人讲”, 是复数名词。

  8. year’s → years’。

  9. brother → brother’s应是brother’s friends, 其后做了省略。

  10. observation → observance(遵守), observation意为观察。

  第二节 动词的谓语形式

  一、 谓语动词的时态

  1. 掌握各种时态的用法

  2. 注意时态的协调一致

  1)在简单句中, 时态要与时间状语一致。

  2)当两个或两个以上的谓语共用一个主语时, 其时态要求一致。

  3)由并列连词连接的两个句子, 时态上也要求一致。

  4)当遇到宾语从句和间接引语时, 若其主句是过去时, 则在从句中也必须使用过去时。但是当宾语从句表示的是客观事实和真理时, 一般用一般现在时。

  5)与宾语从句一样, 主语从句、 表语从句和同位语从句的时态也要求和主句的时态一致。

  6)定语从句和状语从句也要与主句的时态相呼应, 当从句谓语表示的动作与主句的动作同时发生时, 要用相同的时态。

  二、 谓语动词的语态

  1. 检查句子是否该用被动语态。

  2. 检查被动语态形式是否正确。

  3. 检查被动语态的时态与句中其他时态是否相呼应, 其数是否与其主语一致。

  三、 谓语动词的语气

  虚拟语气是动词的一种特殊形式, 用来表示说话人所说的话不是客观存在的事实, 而是一种与事实相反的愿望、 可能、 推测、 建议、 要求、 假设或主观的设想等。改错时应特别注意:

  1. 虚拟语气在条件句中的应用。

  2. 虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用。

  3. 虚拟语气在主语从句中的应用。

  四、 情态动词


  1. must表示“必须, 不得不”时, 其否定式是needn’t或do not have to; must not则表示“不许, 禁止”。

  2. need与dare既可作情态动词, 也可作实义动词; 而作实义动词时, 若要构成问句和否定句, 就需要助动词do/does/did。

  3. “can+have+过去分词”结构用在疑问句和否定句中, 表示对过去的事情所作的推测。

  4. “could+have+过去分词”结构除用来表示对过去的事情所作的推测外, 还可用来表示某事有可能在过去发生, 但实际上并没有发生。

  5. “may/might+have+过去分词”结构用来表示对过去的事情所作的推测。(“可能已经……了”)

  6. “must+have+过去分词”结构用来表示对过去的事情所作的肯定判断。(“……一定已经……了吧”)

  7. “should/ought to+have+过去分词”结构用来表示过去应做而未做的事, 含有自责或责备的语气。(“本来应该……的”)

  8. “need not+have+过去分词”结构用来表示过去做了没有必要做的事。(“本来不必……的”)

  练 习

  1. After they had chose the books they wished to read, the instructor told them the principal points he wanted them to note.

  2. When I reach at the end of a cigarette, my money has gone up in smoke.

  3. The island has little vegetation(植被), it scarcely raises above the surrounding sea.

  4. In our school the teachers would leave most students go out early on Friday afternoons before football games.

  5. Ours was the first group of swimmers who had dove into the new pool.

  6. I will like to know where you were born.

  7. I would like you read it again.

  8. What will you like to do when you finish your course at Leeds?

  9. I hope you can visit my country soon, because I’d to show you some lf. the beautiful places near my home.

  10. My father mustn’t have said such a thing.

  注 释

  1. had chose → had chosen.

  2. reach at → reach, reach是及物动词。

  3. raises above → rises above, raise是及物动词, rise是不及物动词。

  4. leave → let.

  5. had dove → had dived.

  6. will → would.

  7. you read → you to read. would you like其后加不定式。

  8. will → would.

  9. I’d to → I’d love/like to.

  10.mustn’t → can’t, 否定推测要用can’t或couldn’t, can’t + have + p.p.表示对过去事情否定推测。

  第三节 动词的非谓语形式

  一、 动词不定式

  1. 不定式可作主语。

  2. 当不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时, 一般要用不定式的被动式。但是在某些形容词后面, 即使是这样, 也不用被动式。

  3. 某些动词后面只能跟不定式作宾语。

  4.当不定式作宾语, 且后面又有宾语补足语时, 通常用it作形式宾语来代替不定式, 而把不定式后置。

  5. had better, would rather than等词的后面只跟不带to的不定式。

  6. 动词不定式的一般式表示它与谓语动词同时发生, 或在其后发生; 其完成式则表示动作发生在谓语动词之前。但要注意动词plan, expect, wish, intend, mean, want, would(should) like等后面的不定式的完成式表示原打算要做而最终未做成的事情。

  二、 动词的-ing形式改错指导

  以下动词只能跟-ing形式作宾语, 不能跟不定式。如: advise, admit, avoid, allow, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, appreciate, imagine, include, mention, miss, prevent, quit, resist, risk, stand, suggest, understand等。

  三、 过去分词改错指导

  注意下列几组动词的-ing形式和过去分词之间的区别: surprising(令人吃惊的), surprised(感到惊讶的); interesting(令人感兴趣的), interested(感兴趣的); disappointing(令人失望的), disappointed(感到失望的); encouraging(令人鼓舞的), encouraged(感到鼓舞的)

  练 习

  1. I was used to go to the cinema once a week.

  2. He has never been heard speak ill of others.

  3. We hear it say frequently that what present-day men most desire is security.

  4. He always enjoys to read a detective story.

  5. His father would not let him to go.

  6. It is difficult to make yourself understand in English.

  7. You should avoid to keep company with such people.

  8. Smiling graciously, my offer was accepted by him.

  9. You had better not to go there.

  10. The doctor advised me giving up to smoke.

  注 释

  1. was used to → used to, used to +动词原形表示过去的习惯, be used to+名词/动名词表示习惯的持续。

  2. speak → to speak, 感观动词/使役动词改为被动语态时, 要将主动态时省去的“to”还原。

  3. say → said, said是过去分词作补足语, 而it是形式主语。

  4. to read → reading, enjoy其后只可加动名词。

  5. to go → go, let是使役动词, 其后接不带to的不定式作补足语。

  6. understand → understood, make oneself understood译为“使别人了解自己的意图即自己被别人理解”。

  7. to keep → keeping, avoid其后加动名词作宾语。

  8. my offer was accepted by him → he accepted my offer, 分词短语smiling graciously的动作执行者是he, 而不是my offer。

  9. to go → go, had better其后接动词原形。

  10.giving up to smoke → giving up smoking, advise sb. to do sth.,而give up其后接动名词或名词。

  第四节 形容词与副词

  在短文改错中见到形容词和副词时, 检查句中是否误把形容词作副词或误把副词用作形容词, 尤其是一些词形完全一样的形容词与副词。

  1. 检查句中形容词与副词的位置是否正确。

  2. 若句中有系动词, 检查其后跟的是形容词还是副词。

  3. 检查句中有无易混淆的形容词的误用和易混淆的副词的误用。

  4. 检查句中有无形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的构成错误。

  5. 检查句中有无形容词与副词的比较级和最高级的使用错误。

  6. 检查并列结构前后形容词与副词的级别是否对等。

  练 习

  1. He was impossible to find it out.

  2. You should be respectable towards your teachers.

  3. I am absolutely uncapable to tell a lie.

  4. I’ll be convenient next Sunday.

  5. You must make your parents happily.

  6. He looked differently after his return from Europe.

  7. The number of girls is very few.

  8. This shirt is wool(l)en.

  9. Let asleep dogs lie.

  10. All the present students must cast their votes.

  注 释

  1. impossible → unable. Impossible是非人称形容词, 不可用来修饰人, 或可用It is impossible for him to find it out.

  2. respectable → respectful(恭敬的), respectable(可尊敬的)。

  3. uncapable → unable/uncap able to tell或incapable of telling, capable的反义词是incapable, be unable to+动词原形, be incapable of + doing(没有能力做)。

  4. I’ll be convenient next Sunday → Next Sunday will be convenient to me ,convenient是非人称形容词。

  5. happily → happy, 这里是宾语+宾语补足语。

  6. differently → different, look是感观动词, 其后要用形容词修饰其主语。

  7. few → small, 主语The number(表示数目)用small/large表示大小。

  8. is woolen → (made) of wool, 该句还可写为“This is a woolen shirt.” woolen只可用作定语, 不可用作表语。

  9. asleep → sleeping, asleep是睡熟的, 不可用作定语。Let sleeping dogs lie.(勿惹是生非, 勿打草惊蛇)。

  10.the present students → the students present(出席的学生), the peasant students(现在的学生)。

  第五节 冠 词

  1. 检查有无两个不定冠词之间的误用。

  2. 检查有无定冠词不定冠词之间的误用。

  3. 检查有无漏用冠词的情况。

  4. 检查有无错用冠词的情况。

  练 习

  1. Last Sunday we went to school to play basketball.

  2. Plato left behind him a view of the universe set forth in his dialogue in an unique combination of logic and drama.

  3. I have read a interesting story.

  4. What kind of a book do you have?

  5. You’re in right; it’s not your fault.

  6. The most of us are flattered when we receive a compliment.

  7. Why are you at home in such a fine weather?

  8. He was elected the Mayor of New York.

  9. Horse is useful animal.

  10. Goldsmith is said to have traveled from a place to a place.

  注 释

  1. school → the school, 表示去某场所而不是去上学(go to school)。

  2. an → an unique[ju?蘖nik]其第一音素是辅音。

  3. a → an.

  4. a book → book, kind of后面名词不加不定冠词。

  5. right → the right, in the right(有理), 而in right右边。

  6. The most → Most, most表示大多数时不加the。

  7. in such a fine weather → in such fine weather. weather是不可数名词。

  8. The Mayor → Mayor独一无二的官职、 头衔, 职称作补足语或表语时不加冠词。

  9. horse → A horse, horse是可数名词单数形式其前面必须有冠词, 不可单独使用在句子中。

  useful animal → a useful animal.

  10.from a place to a place → from place to place, 两个相对等的名词由and连接表示一种习惯用语时不加冠词。

  第六节 代 词

  一、 人称代词改错指导

  1. 注意人称代词单复数的使用。

  2. 注意人称代词主格和宾格的区别。

  二、 物主代词改错指导


  1. 形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词之间的区别。

  2. 物主代词指代的使用。

  三、 反身代词改错指导

  表示“某人自己”的代词称作反身代词。它在句中可作宾语、 同位语和状语, 但不能作主语。在使用反身代词时, 同样要注意其单复数和人称必须与所指代的名词一致。

  四、 不定代词改错指导

  常用的不定代词有some, any, no, none, many, much, few, little, each, every, one, all, both, either, other, another, others及由some, any, no, every构成的复合词。不定代词的用法较复杂, 需要考生特别注意。

  五、 指示代词改错指导

  指示代词有this, that, these, those, it, such, same等。this和these一般用来指时间和空间上较近的人或物, 也常用来指后面要提到的事情, 有启下的作用。that和those则常用来指时间或空间上较远的人或物, 也可用来代替前面出现过的名词, 以免重复。

  练 习

  1. Knowledge is there for whomever will seek it.

  2. Depend upon that he will come here.

  3. Whom do you think is the writer of this book?

  4. His brother’s case is quite different from me.

  5. The population of London is two times as large as this city.

  6. People find increasingly difficult to make their living.

  7. “I must say good-bye now.” “So I must.”

  8. He is taller than any one in his class.

  9. I spoke a man who I thought to be my cousin.

  10.Only yesterday the hotel manager assured my husband and me that he would accept our reservation for a room.

  注 释

  1. whomever → whoever, 这里是由whoever引导的宾语从句作for的宾语, 而whoever在从句中作主语。

  2. Depend upon that → Depend upon it that, that所引导的从句不可作介词宾语, 必须加上it, 再由that引导定语从句。

  3. Whom → Who, 这里do you think是插入语, 这里who是作句子主语。

  4. me → mine。

  5. as this city → as that of this city,这里的that 代替the population作比较的部分是不可省略的。

  6. find → find it, 这里的it是形式宾语, 而to make their living是不定式作宾语。

  7. So I must. → So must I.

  8. any one → anyone else, 这里he也包含在他的班级里, 所以应加else, 表示他比其他的人高。

  9. spoke → spoke to

  10. I → me, 这里与husband一起作assured的宾语。

  第七节 数 词

  1. 检查有无基数词与序数词之间的误用。

  2. 检查在表示几百、 几千、 几百万等数字时表述是否正确。

  3. 检查分数的表达是否正确。

  4. 检查在表示“历史上的几十年代和某人几十岁时”的表达方式是否正确。

  5. 检查数词与其他词构成的复合形容词是否正确。


  1. About three-fifth of the workers of that steel works are young people.

  2. When he was in his fifty, he moved to England.

  3. 439 is four hundreds and thirty-nine.

  4. The sun is 93 millions miles away from the earth.

  5. This big steel plant has a thousand of workers.

  6. Hundred of people attended the meeting last night.

  7. People lived a hard life in forties.

  8. 333 is three hundred thirty-three.

  9. He wrote a two-thousand-words report.

  10. There are about three hundreds people in the park on National Day.

  注 释

  1. three-fifth → three-fifths, 分数表达法是分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 当分子大于1时, 分母应加s。

  2. fifty → fifties, in his fifties(在他五十多岁时), in the fifties(在50年代)。

  3. hundreds → hundred.

  4. millions → million.

  5. a thousand of warders → a thousand worker. Hundred, thousand, million等词在表示具体数字时, 都不加s, 在表示不确定数字时加s, 同时加of, 如: hundreds of数百; thousands of 数千。

  6. Hundred → Hundreds.

  7. forties → the forties, 指40年代。

  8. hundred → hundred and.

  9. two-thousand-words → two-thousand-word.

  10. hundreds → hundred.

  第八节 介 词

  1. 检查介词有无误用。

  2. 检查句中有无遗漏介词, 特别要注意作定语用的不定式后是否缺少必要的介词。

  3. 检查句中有无多余的介词。

  4. 检查句中介词与动词、 名词、 形容词、 副词等的搭配是否正确。

  练 习

  1. You must write your letter with ink.

  2. A man is known to the company he keeps.

  3. The field was dotted the great yellow hats of peasants.

  4. Don’t approach to a work of art in such a spirit.

  5. The boy was absorbed building a dam in the brook.

  6. I was impressed at the zeal which he spoke of the plan.

  7. The gentleman insisted at my receiving the money.

  8. At last we reached to the village at the foot of the hill.

  9. It is known to everyone that butter is made of milk.

  10. The girl is proud of that her family is well descended.

  注 释

  1. with → ink, ink用于使用之材料, with用于工具或媒介。

  2. to → by, be known to sb., 为某人所熟悉, 本句是谚语“观其友而知其人”。

  3. dotted → dotted with, be dotted with(点缀着……)。

  4. approach to → approach, approach是及物动词。

  5. absorbed → absorbed in, be absorbed in(专心于……)。

  6. at → with, which → with which, be impressed with(被……所感动), with which起副词作用。

  7. at → on, insist on(坚持)。

  8. reached to → reached, reach是及物动词。

  9.of → from, made from...是指制作过程中发生性质变化, made of是物质质地未变。

  10. proud of that → proud that, that从句前的介词of必须省略。

  第九节 连 词

  1. 并列句中, 检查并列连词的使用是否正确, 有无遗漏并列连词的情况。

  2. 复合句中, 检查从属连词的使用是否正确。

  3. 检查主语从句和同位语从句前的连词是否遗漏。

  4. 检查有无连词之间的误用, 尤其是if和whether之间的误用。

  练 习

  1. We become more and more impatient of interruptions when the years go on.

  2. It was not until it began to rain when I noticed his umbrella left in my car.

  3. At the age of six, my father took me to the circus for the first time.

  4. He acted like he had never been in a museum before.

  5. You’ll be permitted to bring a watch so that you may keep track of the time during you are taking the test.

  6. It was not long since they made their appearance.

  7. It was not so much the amount of the money but the money itself that surprised him.

  8. There may not be much choice between this one or that.

  9. We must eat for we may live.

  10. Which do you like better, coffee and black tea?

  注 释

  1. when → as,随着。

  2. when → that, It is(was)not until...that是not...until的强调句型。

  3. At the age of six → When I was six years old, At the age of six用于句中是指my father。

  4. like → as if, as if可以引导虚拟语气的结构。

  5. during → while, during是介词, 不可引导从句。

  6. since → before, not long before(不久……就……)。

  7. but → as, not so much...as(与其说……不如说)。

  8. or → and, between...and...(在……与……之间)。

  9. for—that, that(so that, in order that)+may(might)(为了……)表示目的的连接词, 而for为表示原因的连接词。

  10. and—or, 表示选择。

  第十节 从句与一致关系

  一、 名词性从句


  1. 检查语序是否正确。

  2. 检查连接词是否误用。

  3. 检查是否漏掉了连接词, 尤其是主语从句和同位语从句中的that。

  4. 检查宾语从句与主句的时态呼应是否正确。

  5. 检查主语从句与谓语的数是否一致。

  6. 检查主语从句后置时, 作形式主语的it是否出现。

  7. 检查有无if与whether的误用。

  二、 定语从句

  定语从句的改错主要涉及关系代词、 关系副词的运用以及定语从句中的主谓一致问题。

  1. 判断关系代词及关系副词的使用是否正确。

  2. 判断先行词与定语从句的谓语动词的数是否一致。

  3. 检查关系代词的格的使用是否正确, 尤其是在关系代词作主语和介词前置时。

  4. 检查有无关系副词与介词重复使用的情况。

  5. 检查有无漏掉作主语的关系代词的情况。

  6. 检查非限制性定语从句的关系代词使用是否正确。

  7. 检查定语从句中除了关系代词或关系副词外, 是否还有多余的代词或副词。

  三、 一致关系

  1. 检查主谓在数上是否违背了语法一致的原则。

  2. 检查主谓在数上是否违背了意义一致的原则。

  3. 检查主谓在数上是否违背了邻近原则。

  练 习

  1. My roommate lives in a small town in central Missouri, a quiet town which I would like to live myself.

  2. The United States is composed of fifty states; two of those are separated from the others by land or water.

  3. What far is it from here to the station?

  4. They want to know how they can do to help us.

  5. —Who’s got all my money?

  —I do.

  6. You smoke again! Why not to give it up?

  7. These photos will show you how our village looks like.

  8. Someone is at the door. Who is he?

  9. —Those shirts are very expensive.

  —Do you know how they cost?

  10. —Who you think is the richest man in this town?

  —I think Mr. Kim is.

  注 释

  1. which → where, to live → to live in, live是不及物动词。

  2. of those → of which, those不是关系代词, 不可引导定语从句。

  3. What → How, what修饰名词, 而how修饰形容词、 副词, 用于感叹句。

  4. how → what, what作引导词, 同时作they can do中动词do的宾语。

  5. I do → I have.

  6. to give it up → give it up, why not其后接不带to的不定式。

  7. how → what, 从句中looks like中的like是介词, 提问的是like后的宾语。

  8. he → it.

  9. how → how much/what.

  10. who you think → who do you think, do you think是插入语, 去掉插入语, 应是陈述语序的疑问句。

  第十一节 倒装与省略

  1. 检查是否有该倒装而未倒装的情况。

  2. 检查是否有该省略而未省略的情况。

  练 习

  将下列各句改为倒装句, 并强调划线部分的语气。

  1.The defeated army ran away, leaving many wounded soldiers.

  2.We can know the past, but we only feel the future.

  3.The news impressed me so strongly that I could not utter a word for some time.

  4.Our eyes are opened only after we have made a mistake.

  5.I have often heard it said that he is not trustworthy.

  6.His faithful dog sat by his side.

  7.We must in no case imagine that material comfort is the final goal of human happiness.

  8.I never expected that the man would turn up at the meeting.

  9. I found so many happy people nowhere else.

  10. he said good-bye to me and he drove off.

  注 释

  1. Away ran the defeated army....

  2. ...but the future we only feel.

  3. So strongly did the news impress me that....

  4. Only after we have made a mistake are our eyes opened.

  5. Often have I heard it said....

  6. By his side sat his faithful dog....

  7. In no case must we imagine....

  8. Never did I expect that....

  9. Nowhere else did I find....

  10. He said good-bye to me, and off he drove.

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